在Mount Union大学, diversity is firmly rooted in the University’s mission to prepare students for fulfilling lives, 有意义的工作, 负责任的公民.
- 多样性, 股本, and Inclusion 领导: Coalition of 多样性, 股本, Inclusion and Belonging Liaisons; Facilitate Cross-cultural Learning and promote campus-wide cultural competencies; Execute strategic initiatives
- Academic Affairs: Provide consultancy and work directly with students, 政府, 教师, 工作人员, and University support units to assist in reconciling undergraduate and graduate student issues related to DEIB
- Student Services: Provide consultancy and collaborate with Student Affairs; Advocacy for underrepresented populations; Support for academic, 金融, and career-related matters; Guidance and referrals to campus resources; Enrichment workshops for educational, 专业, 文化成长
- Student Recruitment: Support Undergraduate and Graduate Recruitment of underrepresented populations
在Mount Union大学, we continuously strive to welcome, accept, and respect all people. We believe that through the union of disparate perspectives, 我们加强我们的社区, 促进全球启蒙, 让集体自我发现成为可能. 像这样, we embrace diversity and inclusiveness to facilitate the development of ideas, the advancement of global perspectives, and to create a greater understanding and acceptance of all people. We actively promote a diverse and inclusive environment that obliges mutual respect and positive engagement to effectively enrich learning and living for our students, 教师, 工作人员, 政府, 和社区.
As members of the Mount Union大学 community, we pledge to:
- 承认, respect, honor, and celebrate diversity.
- Work together to create an environment that is both diverse and inclusive.
- Take these inclusive attitudes with us as we continue our life journeys.
As RAIDERS we celebrate and uphold diversity by:
- R伊辛
- Above
- I不平等和
- Discrimination而
- Eliminating
- Racial
- Stereotypes
我们正直地团结起来, 透明度, and openness so that we continue to work together to create an environment that is both diverse and inclusive.
The guiding REACH principles (Respect, 股本, 承认, 文化, and History) will cultivate inclusive attitudes for us to REACH our fullest potential as RAIDERS.
偏见事件, 骚扰, and discrimination undermine our efforts to create an inclusive campus that welcomes everyone. We are committed to maintaining an environment that values equity, inclusion, and mutual respect. The information received via this report is reviewed to determine appropriate follow-up in accordance with university policies and regulations. Due to confidentiality and privacy regulations, our ability to follow up with you regarding a specific response to this matter is limited. We understand incidents like this can have an impact and encourage members of the Mount Union community to explore some of the following campus resources for additional support:
- Concerns about bias behavior reporting form
- 咨询服务办公室, counselingservices@mountunion.Edu或(330)823-2886